Many of you know that I have been working toward my National Board for Professional Standards teaching certificate. It is something I began in June of 2010. I finished my portfolio in April 2011 and I took my written assessment in May 2011. The scoring process takes awhile. Each portfolio entry (there are 4) is 20+ pages long. There are two videos and evidence that you submit to go along with them. The assessment is 6 prompts to which you have 30 minutes to respond. So needless to say, there is a lot to be graded. You are then given a score for each entry. If your overall score is over 275, then you pass. If not, then you have to pay more money, do redo portions of you entry to improve you overall score.
A week ago we found out scores would be released on Friday, November 18th. Friday morning came, but there were no scores. At noon, we received an email saying we would receive our scores by 2 pm. 2 pm came and went, with no scores. At 2:30 pm they said we would know by 4 pm, and of course, 4 pm came and went and still no scores. By 6 pm they sent another email saying they were having problems with the server and they had no idea when scores would be reported. Saturday came and went with no scores. Finally the scores were posted at 6 am Sunday morning. I found out this morning that I had received a score of 297. I PASSED!!!! I am officially a National Board Certified teacher. My certificate is good for the next 10 years. I couldn’t be happier and my relief knowing that I don’t have to worry about any of this for another 10 years couldn’t be greater!