Monday, December 13, 2010

Craigslist Christmas

So, Rob and I decided that we would put up Christmas lights outside only if we bought the lights on sale after Christmas was over.  It was something that we were planning for next year.  Leave it to Rob and his Craigslist obsession to get the job done this year…


Everyone in our neighborhood puts up lights, even the 70 year old couple across the street.  So we had to “keep up with the Jones” and do our part to make the neighborhood beautiful.  Thank you generous people on Craigslist for giving us free lights and thanks to Rob for putting his life on the line, climbing around on the roof, to make our house look festive. 



Sandy said...

Wow, you two have become quite domesticated...the lights are awesome......Good old Craig's list comes thro' yet again!!

Unknown said...

I love houses that are covered with lights. It is one of my favorite Christmas things : ) It looks awesome!! Hope you guys have an AMAZING Christmas! I love you!

Joyce Becerra said...


Pasion Family said...

I passed by the other day and was quite impressed- Good work!!!

emily said...

I love Rob's craiglist obsession. He's so thrifty! Nice work Rob! And good job Cindi for choosing someone so determined and resourceful.